Posted by on Sep 14, 2012 in | 0 comments

This website was developed for the American Institute of Medical Careers (AIMED), an entry level medical certification and training facility in Spokane WA.  The school had many needs that had to be addressed including the online scheduling of orientation appointments, confirmation notifications and so on.  We also incorporated a website actor to increase average user time on site and help insure the most important information was successfully delivered to each new visitor who arrives.

The website has helped successfully brand the institute under the acronym “AIMED”, which is used in place of their lengthy company name “American Institute of Medical Careers”.  Currently, 10% of all website traffic comes from branded search terms such as “AIMED”, or “AIMED Careers” etc. The site has also proven to be very successful in limiting in-office overhead by capturing and converting traffic online.

There is much more planned for the site as the institute continues to grow and expand. Including a student back-office with mobile app compatibility.